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The Breathing Book: Good Health and Vitality Through Essential Breath Work

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By Donna Farhi — 1996

Internationally renowned yoga instructor Donna Farhi presents a refreshingly simple and practical guide to reestablishing proper breathing techniques that will dramatically improve your physical and mental health. See more...

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Breathwork Detox: How to Thrive in the Age of Anxiety

Breathwork is the new yoga; it's meditation for people who don't like to meditate, the overthinkers and impatient ones who don't want to wait for results.

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Break Through with Breathwork: Jump-Starting Personal Growth in Counseling and the Healing Arts

When working with trauma and chronic health issues, it can often seem like the healing process gets stuck or is producing only minimal progress.

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Exhale: 40 Breathwork Exercises to Help You Find Your Calm, Supercharge Your Health, and Perform at Your Best

More than forty simple breathing exercises to help you transform your physical and mental health and improve performance and emotional well-being. We take between seventeen to twenty-nine thousand breaths per day.

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Science of Breath

Much of the Western world was completely unaware of the profound impact of the breath on the body and mind until the 1970's.

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Breathing Ecstasy: Finding Sexual Bliss Using the Incredible Power of Breath

The authors of Conscious Loving present an innovative mind-body approach to sexual fulfillment that incorporates simple breathing techniques to overcome sexual dysfunction or promote pleasure, covering The Master Practice, Discovering the "B-Spot," sexual exercises to promote intimacy, and other...

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Feel to Heal: Releasing Trauma Through Body Awareness and Breathwork Practice

In this revolutionary approach to living well, a pioneering trauma-release therapist puts relief in reach—with a multi-modal practice that can be done at home.

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Breathe: The Simple, Revolutionary 14-Day Program to Improve Your Mental and Physical Health

Contemporary science confirms what generations of healers have observed through centuries of practice: Breath awareness can turn on the body’s natural abilities to prevent and cure illness.

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Conscious Breathing: Breathwork for Health, Stress Release, and Personal Mastery

Conscious Breathing draws on more than twenty years of research and practice to present a simple yet comprehensive program that can be used every day to improve energy, mental clarity, and physical health. As the essential life-force of the body, the breath influences how we feel on every level.

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The Healing Power of the Breath: Simple Techniques to Reduce Stress and Anxiety, Enhance Concentration, and Balance Your Emotions

In The Healing Power of the Breath, Dr. Richard P. Brown and Dr. Patricia L. Gerbarg provide a different way to treat stress: breathing.

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The Power of Breath: The Art of Breathing Well for Harmony, Happiness and Health

With The Power of Breath, renowned yoga teacher Swami Saradananda aims to give gentle yet powerful guidance on the art of breathing, from the basic practices to its myriad effects on the mind and body.

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