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Breathworks for Your Back

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By Nancy Swayzee — 1998

Ingeniously combining breathing and correct body alignment, renowned exercise therapist and rehabilitation specialist Nancy Swayzee shows you how to eliminate back pain, prevent injury and build abdominal strength by working from the inside out. See more...

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The Breathwork Practitioner Who Holds Space for Racial Trauma

“In the moment, how many times have you felt something was off and your well-meaning friends have met you with, ‘Well, are you sure? Where’s the evidence?’” asks Jasmine Marie, an Atlanta-based breathwork practitioner and the founder of Black Girls Breathing.

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Healing Racialized Trauma

The body is where our instincts reside and where we fight, flee, or freeze, and it endures the trauma inflicted by the ills that plague society.

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Healing Racialized Trauma Begins with Your Body

Resmaaa connects the healing of your body, mind, and soul with the healing of our country and our world.

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