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Breathworks for Your Back

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By Nancy Swayzee — 1998

Ingeniously combining breathing and correct body alignment, renowned exercise therapist and rehabilitation specialist Nancy Swayzee shows you how to eliminate back pain, prevent injury and build abdominal strength by working from the inside out. See more...

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Softening the Belly… of Sorrow

We hold our grief hard in the belly. We store fear and disappointment, anger and guilt in our gut. Softening the Belly… of Sorrow Our belly has become fossilized with a long resistance to life and to loss.

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Breathe to Heal | Max Strom | TEDxCapeMay

With anxiety, stress, and sleep dysfunction skyrocketing around the globe, it’s time we look at the unspoken reasons why. These debilitating challenges can be meaningfully impacted with ten to twenty minutes of breathing exercises per day.

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