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A Practical Guide to Breathwork: A Remedy for the Modern Human Condition

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By Jesse Coomer — 2020

You have been breathing your whole life; now learn how to breathe better to positively influence your mental and physical well-being. This book is exactly what it says it is, a practical guide. Nothing esoteric. Nothing “woo woo. See more...

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5 Pranayama Techniques With the Power to Transform Your Practice—& Your Life

In part two of this three-part series on The Science of Breathing, learn how to take advantage of the power of the breath on the mat in various types of poses and with five different pranayama techniques.

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4 Research-Backed Benefits of Mindful Breathing

In part three of this three-part series on The Science of Breathing, discover a few of the ways focusing on the breath in yoga—and in everyday life—can improve your overall well-being.

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The Science of Breathing

Western research is now proving what yogis have known all along: Breathwork can deliver powerful mind and body benefits. In this three-part series, learn how and why to take better advantage of it both in practice and in life.

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Yoga Therapy One: Breathing Exercises for Insomnia and Anxiety

Breathing exercise to reduce the symptoms of anxiety, rapid breathing, insomnia and mental confusion. This simple breathing practice if done regularly will regulate your nervous system and produce a calming effect.

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Yoga for Pain Relief

In this post, I apply the principles of therapeutic yoga to working with chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, migraines, or back pain.

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