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A Practical Guide to Breathwork: A Remedy for the Modern Human Condition

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By Jesse Coomer — 2020

You have been breathing your whole life; now learn how to breathe better to positively influence your mental and physical well-being. This book is exactly what it says it is, a practical guide. Nothing esoteric. Nothing “woo woo. See more...

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Breathwork with Ashley Neese

Ashley Neese is a renowned trauma-informed breathwork teacher and author of the bestselling book How To Breathe: 25 Simple Practices for Calm, Joy, and Resilience.

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The Breathwork Practitioner Who Holds Space for Racial Trauma

“In the moment, how many times have you felt something was off and your well-meaning friends have met you with, ‘Well, are you sure? Where’s the evidence?’” asks Jasmine Marie, an Atlanta-based breathwork practitioner and the founder of Black Girls Breathing.

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Jasmine Marie Wants to Use Breathwork to Help 1 Million Black Women Deal With Trauma

The founder of Black Girls Breathing set a goal to hit by 2025, here’s how she’s going to do it.

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Black Girls Breathing Helps Women Manage Stress through the Power of their Own Breath

Jasmine Marie, breathwork practitioner and founder of Black Girls Breathing, said she’s seen an increase in new members since the start of the pandemic but the organization also hosts free virtual classes.

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An Active Breathwork Technique for Restless Minds

Breathwork practitioner Jasmine Marie, who facilitates groups focused on healing racial trauma through her organization Black Girls Breathing, recorded this guided practice for creating space in the mind and opening the heart.

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Simple Breathwork Practices Can Help You Relieve Stress Throughout the Day

Founder of black girls breathing Jasmine Marie shares some helpful advice to incorporating intentional breathwork into your daily routine.

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5 Ways Breathwork Can Support a Mindful Pregnancy

The breath is the foundation of every mindfulness practice, and it is also the foundation of life. Establishing a relationship with your breath, especially while pregnant, will have lasting effects for you and the child you are bringing into the world.

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Three Breathing Exercises and Techniques

Since breathing is something we can control and regulate, it is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed and clear state of mind. I recommend three breathing exercises and techniques to help relax and reduce stress.

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Breathwork Has Gone Mainstream During the Covid Era

From Justin Bieber and Gwyneth Paltrow to Wim Hof and your favorite Insta influencer, having a breathwork practice is all the rage. But what is it exactly, and why are people so obsessed?

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A 90-Second Breathwork Tool to Reduce Stress

Ashley Neese, a holistic practitioner in California, describes breathwork as a deeper kind of self-care, one that can “help you move through blocks you can’t see.” Slow, intentioned, mindful breathing is a tool that can be used “any time, any place,” she says.

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