Whether it’s to chill out with simple breathing exercises, inspire yourself by creating a movie poster about your life, or just explore emotions besides feeling “numb,” this mental health journal approaches creative journaling with an eye for the unique challenges that guys face. So, grab a pencil (or pen) and get to work!
The Mental Health Journal for Men features:
The help men need―From exploring your kryptonite to being proud of the things you’ve done (and the body that helped you do them), get a mental health journal that speaks to guys.
De-stress creatively―Discover that one of the best ways to explore (and beat) what’s bugging you is to draw, chart, graph, and even design a T-shirt with your life’s motto.
What makes you tick?―Figure out what makes you tick with a mental health journal full of prompts that help you examine yourself, the people in your life, and how you relate to the world.
Teach yourself to feel better with a mental health journal written just for you.