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Light on Prãnãyãma: The Yogic Art of Breathing

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By B.K.S. Iyengar — 1985

In this classic, a yoga master describes the techniques of breathing together with a comprehensive background of yoga philosophy in this authoritative, practical and indispensable guide.

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Yoga Is a Stress Reliever—But It Can Also Help Beat Addiction

In a 2017 pilot study out of UCLA, when adults who were addicted to cocaine or methamphetamines participated in an eight-week MBRP program that included some yoga practice, they experienced less substance use and showed improvements in the severity of depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric...

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The Science Behind Breathwork + 5 Benefits of the Practice

Take one big inhale that expands in your belly. Hold it. Now exhale deeply. Congratulations, you've just engaged in breathwork, an ancient practice that's quickly gaining popularity. If you're thinking, "Wait, I've been inhaling and exhaling continuously since the day I was born.

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A 90-Second Breathwork Tool to Reduce Stress

Ashley Neese, a holistic practitioner in California, describes breathwork as a deeper kind of self-care, one that can “help you move through blocks you can’t see.” Slow, intentioned, mindful breathing is a tool that can be used “any time, any place,” she says.

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How Breathwork Benefits the Mind, Body, and Spirit

If you’ve ever been to a yoga class, you’ve heard an instructor remind you to control your breath. In the ancient yogic teachings, the practice of directing the breath is called Pranayama, and it teaches you to breathe consciously, with awareness, and with intent.

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I Tried This Trippy Healing Modality for Mental Clarity—And Still Can’t Believe How It Made Me Feel

A few years ago, a friend told me about an underground breathwork circle she’d attended in Venice Beach—back when breathwork outside of yoga studios was still hush-hush. It was totally trippy and cathartic she told me. People were convulsing, shouting, sobbing uncontrollably.

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What Is Breathwork?

Breathwork refers to any type of breathing exercises or techniques. People often perform them to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. During breathwork you intentionally change your breathing pattern.

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Body-Positivity Advocate Jessamyn Stanley: Yoga Isn’t Just for “One Type of Person”

Right now, yoga is “marketed toward thin, white, affluent people. That’s such a small percentage of who exists, and it’s not the group of people who need yoga the most,” says Stanley.

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The Only Way to Deal in This Dumpster Fire of a Year Is by Learning to Breathe Through It

Focusing on breathing is a way to harness a sense of control when everything around you seems completely out of control. In fact, in chaos, the power of inhales and exhales is undeniable and nothing less than revolutionary.

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Rabbi Rami: My Morning Ritual

Early each morning, often long before dawn, I chant. I chant in Hebrew and Sanskrit. I chant from the morning liturgy of my root tradition, Judaism, and I chant mantra from my adopted traditions, Buddhism and Hinduism.

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Move into Meditation with Shiva Rea’s Prana Flow Pranams: Prepare for a Life-Changing Sun Salutation Practice with Shiva Rea’s Prana Flow Pranams

Steps to perform the Mountain Pose with heart opener and victory mudra. Start your day right.

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