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Light on Prãnãyãma: The Yogic Art of Breathing

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By B.K.S. Iyengar — 1985

In this classic, a yoga master describes the techniques of breathing together with a comprehensive background of yoga philosophy in this authoritative, practical and indispensable guide.

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Body-Positivity Advocate Jessamyn Stanley: Yoga Isn’t Just for “One Type of Person”

Right now, yoga is “marketed toward thin, white, affluent people. That’s such a small percentage of who exists, and it’s not the group of people who need yoga the most,” says Stanley.

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The Only Way to Deal in This Dumpster Fire of a Year Is by Learning to Breathe Through It

Focusing on breathing is a way to harness a sense of control when everything around you seems completely out of control. In fact, in chaos, the power of inhales and exhales is undeniable and nothing less than revolutionary.

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Jessamyn Stanley’s 8-Minute Yoga for Self-Love | Health

We’re practicing self-care while staying active in this eight-minute flow with body-positive yogi and Every Body Yoga author Jessamyn Stanley.

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