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Light on Prãnãyãma: The Yogic Art of Breathing

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By B.K.S. Iyengar — 1985

In this classic, a yoga master describes the techniques of breathing together with a comprehensive background of yoga philosophy in this authoritative, practical and indispensable guide.

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Breathwork with Ashley Neese

Ashley Neese is a renowned trauma-informed breathwork teacher and author of the bestselling book How To Breathe: 25 Simple Practices for Calm, Joy, and Resilience.

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Give Yourself Permission to Feel with Ashley Bernardi

What if you allowed yourself to truly FEEL? Whether it’s grief, despair, or anxiety, society will always find a way to label feelings as “messy.” But burying these emotions only leads to greater emotional upheaval.

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Cultivating Calm in the Chaos through Yoga with Todd Norian

Calm is needed to maintain our health. With high levels of stress over a long period of time, the body breaks down. During these turbulent times, we need to get back to the calm, still center within.

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Three-Part Breath and Body Transformation with Nicole Miller

Nicole Miller guides you through a breathwork practice to cultivate energy through inner reflection. You will find that as you release old, stuck energy, you’ll make room for the frequencies that feel most authentic, freeing and expansive within.

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Q&A: Deep Breathing Makes Me Panic. What Can I Do?

Sarah Powers offers advice on how to overcome a resistance to deep breathing.

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The Breathwork Practitioner Who Holds Space for Racial Trauma

“In the moment, how many times have you felt something was off and your well-meaning friends have met you with, ‘Well, are you sure? Where’s the evidence?’” asks Jasmine Marie, an Atlanta-based breathwork practitioner and the founder of Black Girls Breathing.

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My Bedtime Routine: Jasmine Marie, Founder of Black Girls Breathing, on Letting Go of Self-Care Shame

It’s far from news that there is a lack of space and resources allocated for Black women to heal.

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Jasmine Marie Wants to Use Breathwork to Help 1 Million Black Women Deal With Trauma

The founder of Black Girls Breathing set a goal to hit by 2025, here’s how she’s going to do it.

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Black Girls Breathing Founder Jasmine Marie Is Making Meditation Accessible to Heal Her Community

As the fight for racial justice takes place against the backdrop of the global pandemic, the need for regenerative self-care services that center Black women has never been more apparent.

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Nasal Breathing with Hold to Improve Endurance | UA Breathwork for Performance

Improve your endurance with this short breathwork practice designed to complement your workout routine. Practicing nasal breathing with a hold can increase endurance as well as promote increased blood flow to the body and brain.

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