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Deep Tissue Massage: A Visual Guide to Techniques (Revised Edition)

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By Art Riggs — 2007

Featuring more than 250 photographs and 50 anatomical drawings, this revised edition of Deep Tissue Massage is the standard guide to the essentials of touch, biomechanics, and positioning options for a multitude of strategies to treat all major conditions encountered in a bodywork practice. See more...

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Awareness Through Movement: Easy-to-Do Health Exercises to Improve Your Posture, Vision, Imagination, and Personal Awareness

Thousands have found renewed health and increased sensory awareness through the Feldenkrais method as explained in Awareness Through Movement. Here is a way for people of every age to integrate physical and mental development into a new, invigorating wholeness.

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Body and Mature Behavior: A Study of Anxiety, Sex, Gravitation, and Learning

A victim of debilitating injuries, Moshé Feldenkrais was intimately aware of the link between bodily suffering and mental health. Through healing himself, he made revolutionary discoveries, culminating in the development of the method that now bears his name.

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Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation

This groundbreaking book, from one of the global innovators in the integration of brain science with psychotherapy, offers an extraordinary guide to the practice of “mindsight,” the potent skill that is the basis for both emotional and social intelligence.

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Information Medicine: The Revolutionary Cell-Reprogramming Discovery that Reverses Cancer and Degenerative Diseases

The universe is not a mechanical system of matter—it operates like a cosmic network that runs on and is connected by information. Information “in-forms” and underlies all of the physical world, including the human body. In this book, Pier Mario Biava, M.D., and Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.

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What You Can Change and What You Can’t: The Complete Guide to Successful Self-Improvement

Martin Seligman has meticulously analyzed the most authoritative scientific research on treatments for alcoholism, anxiety, weight loss, anger, depression, and a range of phobias and obsessions to discover what is the most effective way to address each condition.

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Spontaneous Happiness: A New Path to Emotional Well-Being

Dr. Andrew Weil has proven that the best way to maintain optimum physical health is to draw on both conventional and alternative medicine. Now, in Spontaneous Happiness, he gives us the foundation for attaining and sustaining optimum emotional health. Rooted in Dr.

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Mind Over Meds: Know When Drugs Are Necessary, When Alternatives Are Better—and When to Let Your Body Heal on Its Own

In Mind over Meds, bestselling author Dr. Andrew Weil alerts readers to the problem of overmedication, and outlines when medicine is necessary, and when it is not. Dr.

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Embracing the Beloved: Relationship as a Path of Awakening

Stephen and Ondrea Levine devoted more than eighteen years to investigating the mind/body relationship, particularly as it relates to the states healing, dying, and grieving. Their work has affected healing and medical practices worldwide.

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Thoughts from the Heart of the Soul: Meditations on Emotional Awareness

In the national bestseller The Heart of the Soul, Gary Zukav and Linda Francis joined together to help us to develop a new emotional awareness that is central to our spiritual development.

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Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life

Based on a far-reaching study of thousands of individuals, finding flow contends that we often walk through our days unaware and out of touch with our emotional lives.

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