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Meditation for Beginners: How to Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Depression and Return to a State of Inner Peace and Happiness

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By Yesenia Chavan — 2014

A regular meditation habit can make you healthier, happier and more successful than ever! This book will teach you exactly how to calm your mind, release tension, and “let go” in a way that will change your life forever! Meditation isn’t about chanting, crystals, or playing with an eagle... See more...

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The Practice of Pure Awareness: Somatic Meditation for Awakening the Sacred

Perhaps the most precious teaching Tibet has to offer the modern world is the practice of meditation. Reginald Ray presents the essence of this tradition through the somatic practice of Pure Awareness—a unique kind of meditation that is thoroughly grounded in the body and in ordinary experience.

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When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

How can we live our lives when everything seems to fall apart—when we are continually overcome by fear, anxiety, and pain? The answer, Pema Chödrön suggests, might be just the opposite of what you expect.

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Joyful Wisdom: Embracing Change and Finding Freedom

Yongey Mingyur is one of the most celebrated among the new generation of Tibetan meditation masters, whose teachings have touched people of all faiths around the world.

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The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret and Science of Happiness

In The Joy of Living, world-renowned Buddhist teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche—the “happiest man in the world”—invites us to join him in unlocking the secrets to finding joy and contentment in the everyday.

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Natural Wakefulness: Discovering the Wisdom We Were Born With

There are two essential elements to the spiritual path says this popular teacher from the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa: understanding that you’re already enlightened, already perfect in wisdom right here and now, and accessing that natural wakefulness through spiritual practice.

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The Practice of Tibetan Meditation: Exercises, Visualizations, and Mantras for Health and Well-being

A practical and comprehensive step-by-step handbook to Tibetan meditation from a world-renowned Tibetan Lama.Contains more than 30 meditation exercises and accompanying mantras for both the beginner and the more advanced practitioner.

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Finding Freedom: How Death Row Broke and Opened My Heart

There are many forms of liberation—some that exist at the mercy of circumstance and others that can never be taken away.

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Touching Enlightenment: Finding Realization in the Body

What does it mean to “meditate with the body”? Until you answer this question, explains Reggie Ray, meditation may be no more than a mental gymnastic ―something you can practice for years without fruitful results.

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Creativity, Spirituality, and Making a Buck

A friendly, funny, practical guide for creatives and entrepreneurs, written by a four-time Emmy award-winning and two-time Grammy-nominated composer-guitarist-producer who has worked with Paul Simon, Stevie Wonder, Jerry Garcia, Lana Del Rey, and Krishna Das, among many others.

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The Meditative Mind: The Varieties of Meditative Experience

The Meditative Mind is an essential traveler’s guide to the topography of the spirit for every spiritual seeker.

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Inner Peace