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Meditation for Beginners: How to Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Depression and Return to a State of Inner Peace and Happiness

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By Yesenia Chavan — 2014

A regular meditation habit can make you healthier, happier and more successful than ever! This book will teach you exactly how to calm your mind, release tension, and “let go” in a way that will change your life forever! Meditation isn’t about chanting, crystals, or playing with an eagle... See more...

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The Rewired Life: Creating a Better Life through Self-Care and Emotional Awareness

Our brains never stop growing, learning and adapting. Every day, we have the opportunity to form new neural pathways based on what we learn and the decisions we make, overwriting the old patterns and self-narratives that have held us back from leading a fulfilling and authentic life.

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This Year I Will . . . A 52-Week Guided Journal to Achieve Your Goals

Turn dreams into reality with this yearlong guided goal journal. Everyone can use a helping hand on the way to meeting their goals. This guided journal is here to help tackle any goals, big or small, that seem impossible to reach―or even to get started on.

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Dance of the Ancient One: How the Universe Solves Personal and World Problems

In his latest book, Mindell expands on his earlier concept of the processmind as he develops the notion of space–time dreaming or “dance of the ancient one” in his rigorous efforts toward the elucidation of a ToE (or theory of everything).

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The Joy of Not Working: A Book for the Retired, Unemployed and Overworked (21st Century Edition)

Ernie Zelinski has taught more than 150,000 people what The Joy of Not Working is about: learning to live every part of your life-work and play, employment, and retirement alike-to the fullest.

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Inner Peace