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Meditation for Beginners: How to Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Depression and Return to a State of Inner Peace and Happiness

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By Yesenia Chavan — 2014

A regular meditation habit can make you healthier, happier and more successful than ever! This book will teach you exactly how to calm your mind, release tension, and “let go” in a way that will change your life forever! Meditation isn’t about chanting, crystals, or playing with an eagle... See more...

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F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way

In this inspiring and humorous book, John C. Parkin suggests that saying F**k It is the perfect Western expression of the Eastern spiritual ideas of letting go, giving up, and finding real freedom by realizing that things don’t matter so much (if at all).

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F**k It: Do What You Love

In his latest book, John C. Parkin brings the power of saying “F**k It” to the subject of doing what we love.

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F**k It Therapy: The Profane Way to Profound Happiness

If every therapist and psychotherapist on the planet could repeat this to their clients, like a mantra, again and again, there would be fewer therapists and psychotherapists. Because it works. Very quickly.

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F**k It: Be at Peace with Life, Just as It Is

Is there a gap between how you’d like things to be and how they are? Most likely there is, and it hurts. It may be a small gap or a freaking enormous ravine, but that gap is, in fact, probably the primary cause of pain and unhappiness for most people.

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Inner Peace