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Meditation for Beginners: How to Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Depression and Return to a State of Inner Peace and Happiness

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By Yesenia Chavan — 2014

A regular meditation habit can make you healthier, happier and more successful than ever! This book will teach you exactly how to calm your mind, release tension, and “let go” in a way that will change your life forever! Meditation isn’t about chanting, crystals, or playing with an eagle... See more...

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The Essential Edgar Cayce

A complete guide to the work of the remarkable twentieth-century seer Edgar Cayce, featuring Cayce's most intriguing and influential readings, and a biographical introduction to his life. Edgar Cayce is one of the most mysterious men of the twentieth century.

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Dark Night of the Soul

While imprisoned in a tiny prison cell for his attempts to reform the Church, sixteenth-century Spanish mystic John of the Cross composed many of his now classic poems of the soul’s longing for God.

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Inner Peace