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Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way (Revised Edition)

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By Susan McCutcheon — 2018

The classic guide to an unmedicated childbirth, fully revised for the twenty-first century—with updated information and attractive new illustrations and photos throughout. See more...

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5 Ways Breathwork Can Support a Mindful Pregnancy

The breath is the foundation of every mindfulness practice, and it is also the foundation of life. Establishing a relationship with your breath, especially while pregnant, will have lasting effects for you and the child you are bringing into the world.

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How to Resolve Racially Stressful Situations—Howard C. Stevenson

If we hope to heal the racial tensions that threaten to tear the fabric of society apart, we’re going to need the skills to openly express ourselves in racially stressful situations. Through racial literacy—the ability to read, recast and resolve these situations—psychologist Howard C.

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Natural Childbirth