By Linus Pauling — 2006
A thirtieth anniversary edition of Pauling's seminal work on the role of vitamins and minerals in preventing disease and achieving optimal health.
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In our own era of mysterious diseases, the supposition that some plants might cure the human organs they most resemble is surfacing once more.
Dr Hoffer talks about addiction, niacin, AA, Bill W. and more.
Interest in using very high doses of vitamin C as a cancer treatment began as long ago as the 1970s when it was discovered that some properties of the vitamin may make it toxic to cancer cells.
One of the most famous examples of the healing power of vitamin C is that of former U.S. diplomat and author, Norman Cousins, who in 1964 was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, an extremely painful degenerative condition of the connective tissue of the spine.
Dietary supplements at high doses as part of medical therapy have been controversial, but the evidence suggests that they play a significant role in prevention and treatment of diseases as well as protection from accelerated aging that results from oxygen free-radical damage, inflammation, and...
Linus Pauling’s claim that megadoses of vitamin C can prevent colds remains unproven, yet high doses of some vitamins could play a big role in the treatment of disease and perhaps slow the effects of aging, according to a University of California, Berkeley, biochemist.
Can common nutrients curb violent tendencies and dispel clinical depression?
The most common forms of depressive disorders are major depressive disorder and dysthymia, notes the National Institute of Mental Health. Symptoms can include feeling hopeless, irritability and fatigue.
Stephen Harrod Buhner is a generalist, a scholar of all things, both human and not. He is best known as a writer, but the interviewer first came to his work through his talks, which take the shape of digressive odysseys led by a relentlessly curious mind.
Natural Mental Health Cures Orthomolecular Psychiatry is nutrition and natural substances used to help balance any chemical imbalances in the body and treat mental disorders, mental illness or psychiatric symptoms.