By Linus Pauling — 2006
A thirtieth anniversary edition of Pauling's seminal work on the role of vitamins and minerals in preventing disease and achieving optimal health.
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The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism can help those who suffer from alcohol addiction, their friends and loved ones, and those in the relevant helping professions. Its central message: optimally-nourished individuals do not get addicted.
Recently, interest in nutritional medicine, and how to use it properly, has increased enormously, and many people are already taking supplemental vitamins in larger than standard dietary doses. Orthomolecular medicine believes that the basis for health is good nutrition.
Orthomolecular medicine can be effective in the treatment of schizophrenia, a mental disorder often treated with drugs. Deficiency often plays a major role in the onset of this condition. Thus, nutritional supplementation is integral to Dr. Hoffers approach to schizophrenia.