By Louise Hay — 2018
365 affirmations and reflections drawn from the inspirational work of Louise Hay.
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Positive affirmations helped me so much, that I actually put one of the affirmations that onto a bracelet that I still wear to this day. It reminds me to not only love myself, but to embrace love in all of its forms.
Law of attraction positive affirmations for healing anxiety and other mental health challenges. Healing tones that speak straight to your subconscious mind, and begin the healing process from chronic stress and fearful overworking habits we build up in our lives.
The fairly common habit of talking aloud to yourself is what psychologists call external self-talk. And although self-talk is sometimes looked at as just an eccentric quirk, research has found that it can influence behavior and cognition.
What is positive self-talk? Our internal dialogues, or “self-talk,” can shape our beliefs and influence our emotions and behavior, and provides assurance and motivation. Positive self-talk is a healthy way to cope with anxiety.