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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles Happen

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By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen — 2014

Miracles happen every day—we just have to look to see them. These powerful stories will give you hope and deepen your faith. These 101 amazing stories prove that miracles happen, every day, to people from all walks of life. See more...

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Is There a Jewish Afterlife?

Judaism is famously ambiguous about what happens when we die.

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What Does Taoism Teach About Life After Death?

It’s always useful to learn about death in different cultures. And Taoist beliefs about death—both religious and philosophical—are interesting and complex. By learning about Taoist beliefs about death and life after death, you can better understand many philosophies around the world.

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Brian Weiss: The Truth of Your Soul

Brian Weiss describes the soul as our immortal, eternal, authentic, enduring, and timeless nature. It's who we really are before all other concepts, including body and mind, and it isn't attached to material things or other people's opinions.

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Is There Life After Death?

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