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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles Happen

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By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen — 2014

Miracles happen every day—we just have to look to see them. These powerful stories will give you hope and deepen your faith. These 101 amazing stories prove that miracles happen, every day, to people from all walks of life. See more...

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Doubt & Faith: A Zen Meditation

I follow a way of doubt. I follow a way of energy, sometimes even a way of wrath. But, in the last analysis I’ve found this way is one of putting down my opinions and opening up my heart.

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Faith and Doubt | Greg Tonkinson | TEDxGrandCanyonUniversity

Trusting in a higher power can be tricky, especially when faced with challenges. Having experienced a traumatic event himself, Dr. Tonkinson explores the relationship between faith and doubt.

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