By Hyla Cass — 1998
This book compares St. John’s Wort with prescription drugs and lists all of the applications that St John’s Wort is used for.
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All the parts of the plants that can be used medicinally are shown, from fresh flower petals or leaves to the root, bark, and juice.
Chinese herbal medicine is a system of assessing and diagnosing the underlying causes of illnesses that has been refined over thousands of years.
When your emotional or mental health feels fragile, nature and its medicines are powerful allies. Herbal Medicine for Emotional Healing is packed with wisdom for employing gentle yet effective plant medicines to support your emotional well-being.
Craft a soothing aloe lotion after an encounter with poison ivy, make a dandelion-burdock tincture to fix sluggish digestion, and brew up some lavender-lemon balm tea to ease a stressful day.
Millions of people are interested in natural and holistic health, yet many are missing out on the key ingredient: Nature itself! Rekindle your connection with the earth as you craft your own herbal medicine with 75 delicious recipes and powerful healing remedies.
Medical Herbalism contains comprehensive information concerning the identification and use of medicinal plants by chemical structure and physiological effect, the art and science of making herbal medicine, the limitations and potential of viewing herbs chemically, and the challenge to current...
From ginger to lavender, thyme, and even the little dandelion, this book is a complete encyclopedia of herbs, plants and their healing properties. Learn about the chemistry of the plants and how they act as a medicine.
Herbal Medicine for Beginners shows herbalists-in-training how to use a limited number of versatile, medicinal herbs to craft herbal remedies for common ailments.
Nearly half of Americans use supplements—and many more are curious about them—yet questions abound.
This unique, portable clinical reference provides easily-accessible and clinically relevant monographs of herbs, spices, and aromatherapy oils for use by health care providers.