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Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life

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By Mihály Csíkszentmihályi — 1998

Based on a far-reaching study of thousands of individuals, finding flow contends that we often walk through our days unaware and out of touch with our emotional lives. See more...

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Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life

Anyone living a full, rich life experiences ups and downs, stresses, disappointments, sorrows, and setbacks. Today, however, millions of people who are really no more than “worried well” are being diagnosed as having a mental disorder and receiving unnecessary treatment.

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Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook

In Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, you’ll get real-world advice from an internationally respected and trusted sports nutritionist.

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This Messy Magnificent Life: A Field Guide to Mind, Body, and Soul

With an introduction by Anne Lamott, This Messy Magnificent Life is a personal and exhilarating read on freeing ourselves from daily anxiety, lack, and discontent.

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Emotional and Mental Health