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Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle

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By C. G. Jung, R. F.C. Hull (translator), Sonu Shamdasani (foreword) — 2010

Jung was intrigued from early in his career with coincidences, especially those surprising juxtapositions that scientific rationality could not adequately explain. See more...

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Jean Shinoda Bolen: Archetypal Psychology (Excerpt) - A Thinking Allowed W/ Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove

Carl Jung's concept of synchronicity, an acausal principle, connects the ego to the larger archetypal self. This connection is like the ancient Chinese concept of the Tao in that it cannot be rationally understood.

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Michael Talbot: Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe — Thinking Allowed W/ Jeffrey Mishlove

The holographic model allows us to conceptualize phenomena that have remained on the fringes of science - synchronicities, psychic experiences, UFOs, poltergeists, spiritual experiences, states of higher consciousness.

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