By David Whyte — 1990
This is David Whyte’s second book of poetry, now in its 6th printing.
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Throughout life, we constantly narrate, or commentate on, everything we do, say, see, touch, smell, taste, and hear. As natural storytellers, we continuously keep the plot moving forward, sometimes missing millions of subplots that are developing on their own.
A mental health day is a great time to indulge in self-care. Nevertheless, only practicing self-care once in a while isn’t always enough.
“The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality, and it was vitality that seemed to seep away from me in that moment.” In a talk equal parts eloquent and devastating, writer Andrew Solomon takes you to the darkest corners of his mind during the years he battled depression.
Modern day shaman Llyn Roberts suggests ways you can learn to better communicate with nature.
A walk with Cedar, Llyn Roberts, in the Hoh Rain Forest talking about our need to reconnect with the natural world.
Studies of polar researchers, astronauts, and others in isolation shed light on possible effects of social distancing, including increased forgetfulness, depression and heart attacks.
In this interview, the founder of the Bioneers conference talks about what he’s learned in 25 years of bringing thinkers together.
The world is experiencing the dawn of a revolutionary transformation to becoming an ecologically literate and socially just civilization.