By David Whyte — 1990
This is David Whyte’s second book of poetry, now in its 6th printing.
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In this captivating reading, legendary poet, activist and scholar Sonia Sanchez explores the most important question of the 21st century: What does it mean to be human?
Healer, shaman and author Deena Metzger gave the opening convocation to the conference and facilitated the circle council on the last day of the conference. Sponsored by Free the Oregon Zoo Elephants.
Village as a field is a state of mind, a nexus of relationships, is constituted in the heart. It has many forms and many possibilities.
Shortly before his death in 2008, the late Irish poet John O'Donohue recited his poem, meaning blessing, during an interview with Krista Tippett. We've woven his close friends' photographs of him in his Celtic landscapes with this reading.
In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank discusses stress, emotions, and their overall impact on our health.
Thirteen matriarchs from indigenous cultures are currently touring the world, promoting peace, unity, and a respect for nature. nicola Graydon meets one of them, Mona Polacca.
We live in water in our mother’s womb,’ Hopi grandmother Mona Polacca explains. ‘Moments before we come into this world, the water of our mother’s womb gushes out, and we follow behind. That is why the Hopi call water our first foundation of life.’
In my upbringing, I was taught that everyone is my relative. That we are all relatives. My parents and grandparents instilled this value since I was a child and I notice that, without question, it helps me to see the value in each person and living thing.
“Women are like a mirror image of Mother Earth. We feel her pain. These heartaches that we feel are part of the compassion that women have, and we need to act on that compassion.” Mona Polacca.
Mary Oliver's poetry, with her lyrical connection to the natural world, has firmly established her in the highest realm of American poets. She is renowned for her evocative and precise imagery, which brings nature into clear focus, transforming the everyday world into a place of magic and discovery.