By David Whyte — 1990
This is David Whyte’s second book of poetry, now in its 6th printing.
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I'm grateful to have spending time in nature as one of my core spiritual practices... Here's why: When I'm outside in nature, hiking, mediating, or just being... Quieting my thoughts and experiencing my oneness with the Earth, the Divine, the Universe, and All That Is becomes effortless.
Please join Rabbi Jacobson, in this New Year for Trees workshop, as he uncovers the hidden roots and origins of our symbiosis with nature, and how we can learn and grow from studying and experiencing nature.
In this video Ian shares his 4 steps to help you develop a healthier connection with Nature, our true nature and others. There is so much scientific evidence now to support our intuitive sense that immersing ourselves in the natural world is good for our mind, body, and spirit.
In the province of Ontario, Canada, the tradition and culture of the canoe has been passed down through generations. Explore how this ancient vessel reveals the strength of the human spirit in this poetic excerpt from Goh Iromoto's The Canoe.
Connect to the source through nature Sharing my wisdom of the power of nature
I’ve never openly talked about or shared my experience with depression, but I’ve been feeling lately that I should share with you guys my experience in the hopes that I can help someone out there dealing with it.
A large body of evidence has shown that spending time in nature is responsible for many measurable beneficial changes in the body.
Science is showing how immersion in nature speeds healing and acts as an antidote for many ailments.
Nature connects us in complex ways. And stopping to think about this connection is one way you can get in tune with the natural world around you.