By David Whyte — 1990
This is David Whyte’s second book of poetry, now in its 6th printing.
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When our ancestors received the Torah, they stood at a mountain. When we celebrate receiving the Torah on Shavuot, we will stand in the pews. They looked at the sky; we will look at the ceiling. They were warmed by the sun; we will be cooled by the air conditioning. I am a rabbi in a synagogue.
The first thing you want is to know that you belong here, that you are a part of this planet, just like the earth and the water, the sun and the wind, and the trees.
I'm grateful to have spending time in nature as one of my core spiritual practices... Here's why: When I'm outside in nature, hiking, mediating, or just being... Quieting my thoughts and experiencing my oneness with the Earth, the Divine, the Universe, and All That Is becomes effortless.
Born into a lineage of healers in the highlands of Central America and now an indigenous elder, Flordemayo travels internationally, sharing wisdom and teaching respect for the earth. Here, she talks with Unity Magazine editor Katy Koontz about her life and her work.