By David Whyte — 1990
This is David Whyte’s second book of poetry, now in its 6th printing.
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Robin Wall Kimmerer takes us on a guided nature tour of Clark Reservation State Park in Jamesville, NY as Spring welcomes back migrating creatures and sends a message to wake up those who have taken a Winter rest.
Interventions rooted in indigenous traditions are helping to prevent suicide and addiction in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
Luisah Teish will speak at The Natural Way about learning to love the Earth, our Mother, and will share her personal stories of growing up in the South and her relationship to the land. She will recount and examine cultural myths that have mis-educated us into alienation from Our Mother Earth.
We live in water in our mother’s womb,’ Hopi grandmother Mona Polacca explains. ‘Moments before we come into this world, the water of our mother’s womb gushes out, and we follow behind. That is why the Hopi call water our first foundation of life.’
The following is a version of an interview I held over several days in September 2006 with my mother, Doña Julia Julieta Casimiro, one of the most distinguished representatives of the traditions of the thousand-year-old Mazatec culture, which is centered in the northern mountains of the state of...
Grandmother Flordemayo’s prayer for this unique opportunity came to fruition in May, 2018. The vision was to share her deep insights and wisdom about our future.
This is a series of video clips, photos & quotes from Mamich (Grandmother) Flordemayo., with clips of one of her 2015 Blessings, at Parliament., an earlier interview/discussion about the need for positive change in the world. and another more recent brief clip concerning prophecy.
Born into a lineage of healers in the highlands of Central America and now an indigenous elder, Flordemayo travels internationally, sharing wisdom and teaching respect for the earth. Here, she talks with Unity Magazine editor Katy Koontz about her life and her work.
Stephen Buhner is an award winning author, poet and a master herbalist.