By David Whyte — 1990
This is David Whyte’s second book of poetry, now in its 6th printing.
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In this passionate talk, Albert Wiggan calls for better recognition from the scientific community arguing that Indigenous knowledge is science and that's what we should call it.
Growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa and Australia, Kasiama has always been drawn to the outdoors. But she hasn’t always felt like she belongs once she gets there.
We collaborated with several of our favorite talent supporters who are LGBTQ people of color to offer advice to youth on how to navigate the intersections of their identities and protect their mental health.
Ansel Adams's Legacy and the Diverse Artists Building on an Icon
Joe Colmenares and many others, Bayview-Hunters Point is not simply a representation of urban blight. It’s a living, breathing community where people live and work, love and lose, join together and get by.
Amy interviews Heather Monahan, the best-selling author of Creating Confidence, about how to feel confident in any situation you face. Heather shares actionable tips for building healthy confidence in all areas of your life.
In today’s episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast, I’ll share a simple but powerful exercise that can help you take back your power so you feel more in control.