By David Whyte — 1990
This is David Whyte’s second book of poetry, now in its 6th printing.
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We are all members of a one-earth society, and caring for the earth and soul is interrelated. This is the message of Satish Kumar, the internationally respected peace and environment activist who has been gently setting the agenda for change for over 50 years.
The book will appeal most to people who realize that they are “tree people.” It is poetic, educational, inspirational, spiritual, and down to earth, covering the subject of trees from anatomy and physiology to trees as archetypal and sacred symbols.
Combining shamanism, spirituality, ecology and activism, Llyn Roberts shares her years of experience with indigenous healers who come from cultures that know how to shapeshift realities.
First published in 1969 and out of print for more than twenty-five years, The Long-Legged House was Wendell Berry’s first collection of essays, the inaugural work introducing many of the central issues that have occupied him over the course of his career.
First published in 1971, The Country of Marriage is Wendell Berry’s fifth volume of poetry. What he calls “an expansive metaphor” is “a farmer’s relationship to his land as the basic and central relation of humanity to creation.
From modern health care to the practice of forestry, from local focus to national resolve, Wendell Berry argues, there can never be a separation between global ecosystems and human communities—the two are intricately connected, and the health and survival of one depends upon the other.
Here, Wendell Berry revisits for the first time his immensely popular Collected Poems, which The New York Times Book Review described as “a straightforward search for a life connected to the soil, for marriage as a sacrament, and family life” and “[returns] American poetry to a Wordsworthian...
More than thirty-five years ago, Wendell Berry began spending his sabbaths outdoors, when the weather allowed, walking and wandering around familiar territory, seeking a deep intimacy only time could provide. These walks sometimes yielded poems.
Wendell Berry’s Sabbath Poems are filled with spiritual longing and political extremity, memorials and celebrations, elegies and lyrics, alongside the occasional rants of the Mad Farmer, pushed to the edge yet again by his compatriots and elected officials.
Mr. Berry moves deftly between the real and the imagined. The Art of Loading Brush is an energetic mix of essays and stories, including “The Thought of Limits in a Prodigal Age,” which explores Agrarian ideals as they present themselves historically and as they might apply to our work today.