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The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream (25th Anniversary Edition)

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By Paulo Coelho — 2014

A special 25th anniversary edition of Paulo Coehlo’s extraordinary international bestselling phenomenon—the inspiring spiritual tale of self-discovery that has touched millions of lives around the world. See more...

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Buddhanature: You’re Perfect as You Are

Why feel bad about yourself when you are naturally aware, loving, and wise? Mingyur Rinpoche explains how to see past the temporary stuff and discover your own buddhanature.

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Elena Brower on Believing in Yourself

Elena Brower explains how giving back and meditation can help you believe in yourself.

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Why ‘That Girl’ Isn’t Real

The “that girl” trend has inspired millions of views, but the supposedly inspiring trend can become toxic.

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Why Relive the Past?

Humans are the only animals on earth who punish themselves a thousand times or more for the same mistake, and who punish everybody else a thousand times or more for the same mistake.

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10 Life Lessons You Should Unlearn

In the past 10 years, I've realized that our culture is rife with ideas that actually inhibit joy. Here are some of the things I'm most grateful to have unlearned:

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Dismantle the Memory of the Old You and Become the New You

Thus, you have to ask yourself, “Is this thought true, or is it just what I think and believe while I am feeling this way? If I act on this impulse, will it lead me to the same result in my life?”

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Caged, Comfortable, or Charged - Which Life Is Yours?

This is Brendon unplugged, filmed unscripted, in one take.

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