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Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System

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By Anodea Judith — 1987

What do you know about the chakra system? Many people focus on a single chakra—like the Crown Chakra for Spirituality, the Brow Chakra for Psychic Powers, the Heart Chakra for Universal Love, the Solar Plexus for Power (especially for those into the martial arts) and so on—each chakra’s special... See more...

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The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life

Bridging ancient healing practices with cutting-edge science, The Energy Codes offers a detailed road map to help you experience deep healing in your life. Grounded in practical, accessible exercises, including yoga, breathwork, meditations, and Dr.

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Charge and the Energy Body: The Vital Key to Healing Your Life, Your Chakras, and Your Relationships

We all know what it’s like to have a “charge” about something. It’s a feeling of excitement, fear, sexual arousal, or irritation. But what we don’t currently know is how to use charge for the behaviors we want to create. Charge is a word for the basic life force running through us.

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