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Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System

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By Anodea Judith — 1987

What do you know about the chakra system? Many people focus on a single chakra—like the Crown Chakra for Spirituality, the Brow Chakra for Psychic Powers, the Heart Chakra for Universal Love, the Solar Plexus for Power (especially for those into the martial arts) and so on—each chakra’s special... See more...

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The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga

This volume, by the foremost student of Shaktic and Tantric thought, “Arthur Avalon,” is the prime document for the study and application of Kundalini yoga.

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Kundalini & the Chakras: Evolution in this Lifetime

We all possess the powerful life force of Kundalini that can open us to genius states, psychic powers, and cosmic consciousness. For over ten years, this trusted guide has been teaching people how to safely and effectively use this potent natural energy for spiritual development.

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Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art

Reiki is an ancient and profoundly simple system of “laying on of hands” healing derived from Tibetan Buddhism. In the West, Reiki has been kept highly secret for many years.

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