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Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System

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By Anodea Judith — 1987

What do you know about the chakra system? Many people focus on a single chakra—like the Crown Chakra for Spirituality, the Brow Chakra for Psychic Powers, the Heart Chakra for Universal Love, the Solar Plexus for Power (especially for those into the martial arts) and so on—each chakra’s special... See more...

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Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation

In the ancient science of tantra, the human body is viewed as the most perfect instrument for the expression of consciousness, a perfection realized through the development of psychic centers known as chakras.

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Essential Energy Balancing: An Ascension Process

Essential Energy Balancing® is an ascension [enlightenment] process—one of total healing. The karmic suffering we’re born with, for the most part, is implacable. Now it can be changed, lovingly, with a simple formula and the blessings of the Lords of Karma—the keepers of our souls’ evolution.

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