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Mind Over Menopause: The Complete Mind/Body Approach to Coping with Menopause

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By Herbert Benson, Leslee Kagan, Bruce Kessel — 2004

Millions of women report the years after menopause as a time of increased confidence and feelings of empowerment. However, the menopause transition can be a difficult one. Maybe you've endured night sweats. See more...

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The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You

Emotions―especially the dark and dishonored ones―hold a tremendous amount of energy. We’ve all seen what happens when we repress or blindly express them.

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Embracing Anxiety: How to Access the Genius of This Vital Emotion

Are you struggling with anxiety? If so, you’ve probably tried the usual options—distraction, repression, medication, exercise, or just trying to ignore it. But anxiety evolved to help us.

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Mind-Body Connection