By Jane E. Brody — 2025
Here in one volume is the definitive picture of women’s health at the beginning of the new millennium.
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Do you know all your non-hormonal birth control options? If not, Dr. Lincoln will catch you up to speed in this YouTube. She'll go over all the methods, how to use them, and how well they work!
More and more women are discovering after years of marriage to men, and having had children, that they are lesbians. Were they always—or is sexuality more fluid?
Treatment for breast cancer is difficult for any woman, but for a lesbian, it can be especially difficult.
High heels, stockings and makeup – employers have long dictated the appearance of female employees. In an extract from a new book, the writer and commentator talks about finding comfort and confidence through her clothes.
Legal protections against pregnancy discrimination are one thing. Actual feelings of security are another.
When writer Roxane Gay dubbed herself a “bad feminist,” she was making a joke, acknowledging that she couldn’t possibly live up to the demands for perfection of the feminist movement. But she’s realized that the joke rang hollow.
Self-doubt and imposter syndrome permeate the workplace, but women, especially women of colour, are particularly likely to experience it. Why is this—and how can it be changed?
“Imposter syndrome,” or doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud at work, is a diagnosis often given to women. But the fact that it’s considered a diagnosis at all is problematic.
Feelings of anxiety, stress and depression are not uncommon for people with breast cancer, whether they’ve just been diagnosed, are undergoing treatment or are a survivor. Stephanie H.
This video covers the side effects of stress, anxiety and depression that patients living with Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) may experience.