By Jane E. Brody — 2025
Here in one volume is the definitive picture of women’s health at the beginning of the new millennium.
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The founder of Black Girls Breathing set a goal to hit by 2025, here’s how she’s going to do it.
As the fight for racial justice takes place against the backdrop of the global pandemic, the need for regenerative self-care services that center Black women has never been more apparent.
Mining my spirit for enlightenment, I have been able to unearth treasures of boundless compassion such that I feel genuine appreciation for everyone and everything. Instead of complaining, I commit to using all that is dumped on me to fertilize my wisdom, courage and determination.
They learn to turn their unproductive thoughts into productive ones.
Adessa Barker, a well-being practitioner and the host of the popular podcast, Attitude Changes Everything, spoke about the mental health of women entrepreneurs. Barker shared her insights on some common misconceptions associated with mental health and solutions to improve mental well-being.
Men and women build mental strength the same way—gender doesn't matter. But when it comes to counterproductive bad habits that might slow your progress or keep you stuck, gender can play a serious role.
On February 5, 2016, CAUSE hosted Women in Power: Leadership in Entrepreneurship at City Club Los Angeles in partnership with the National Association of Women Business Owners - Los Angeles.
Meet the female entrepreneurs changing the face of business. They’re showin’ us their secrets to success and we’re HERE for it.
An OBGyn discusses questions from her listeners, including the efficacy of the fertility awareness method, taking continuous contraception, birth control for breastfeeding mothers, whether there can be infertility issues with the shot, her recommendations for birth control with the least side...
Scripps Clinic OB-GYN Dr. Jonathan Dunn discusses birth control options, including types, risks, effectiveness, hormone-free options and more.