By Jane E. Brody — 2025
Here in one volume is the definitive picture of women’s health at the beginning of the new millennium.
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You probably know that exercise is one of the top things you can do to prevent chronic problems, but it can also mitigate existing obesity, heart disease, and diabetes — and the symptoms that come along with them.
Should seniors lift weights? Are there benefits to strength training after 50? Yes, and yes! Here are 13 things you will benefit from by building stronger muscles, no matter how old you are. You are never too old to improve your health, and lifting heavy things will help you do that.
Recently a journalist colleague of mine put out a call for quotes from those who suffer from severe premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (more commonly known as PMS and PMDD, respectively) who also suffered a history of childhood abuse.
Learn how to create healing experiences in nature for yourself and your loved ones. Learn calming nature meditations, forest bathing exercises, and mindfulness activities that reconnect us with nature and ourselves. Please share the forest calm and spread some healing.