By Jane E. Brody — 2025
Here in one volume is the definitive picture of women’s health at the beginning of the new millennium.
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Treatment for breast cancer is difficult for any woman, but for a lesbian, it can be especially difficult.
Getting enough sleep is important for overall health and may be related to cancer risk.
Feelings of anxiety, stress and depression are not uncommon for people with breast cancer, whether they’ve just been diagnosed, are undergoing treatment or are a survivor. Stephanie H.
This video covers the side effects of stress, anxiety and depression that patients living with Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) may experience.
The depression symptoms analysis was completed as part of the Women's Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) study that examined the effects of dietary intervention on 3088 women following the completion of treatment for early-stage breast cancer.
What is depression, what are the signs of it? What are the causes of depression during cancer? What are the best ways to cope with it? In this video, Dr. Jennifer Griggs interviews guest Rosie Ingebritson, LMSW about how to cope with depression during cancer.
Financial hardship often accompanies a cancer diagnosis. Linda shares her experiences and insights about managing questions with employment and finances that often accompany a cancer diagnosis.
We hear a lot about the struggles of working women and the notion that we can create some semblance of order between managing responsibilities at home and at work. It’s the elusive work/life balance every working woman longs to achieve.
Wellness Warrior and cancer Thriver, Kris Carr, brings her Crazy Sexy talk to Wanderlust Festival in Stratton, VT in June of 2011.
"Grit and Grace. One won’t let you give up and the other makes it okay to let go. You need both to succeed-especially women who face incredible odds.