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Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life

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By Allen Frances — 2014

Anyone living a full, rich life experiences ups and downs, stresses, disappointments, sorrows, and setbacks. Today, however, millions of people who are really no more than “worried well” are being diagnosed as having a mental disorder and receiving unnecessary treatment. See more...

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How to Teach Life Skills to Kids with Autism or Asperger’s

In the real world, people on the autism spectrum need the same kinds of day-to-day skills everyone else needs to be functional! It’s true.

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Asperger’s on the Job: Must-Have Advice for People with Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism and their Employers, Educators, and Advocates

Up to 85% of the Asperger’s population are without full-time employment, though many have above-average intelligence.

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13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do: Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success

Everyone knows that regular exercise and weight training lead to physical strength.

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What You Can Change and What You Can’t: The Complete Guide to Successful Self-Improvement

Martin Seligman has meticulously analyzed the most authoritative scientific research on treatments for alcoholism, anxiety, weight loss, anger, depression, and a range of phobias and obsessions to discover what is the most effective way to address each condition.

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Emotional Equations: Simple Steps for Creating Happiness + Success in Business + Life

When Chip Conley, dynamic author of the bestselling Peak, suffered a series of devastating personal and professional setbacks, he began using what he came to call “Emotional Equations” (such as Joy = Love – Fear) to help him focus on the variables in life that he could handle, rather than...

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Emotional and Mental Health