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Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life

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By Allen Frances — 2014

Anyone living a full, rich life experiences ups and downs, stresses, disappointments, sorrows, and setbacks. Today, however, millions of people who are really no more than “worried well” are being diagnosed as having a mental disorder and receiving unnecessary treatment. See more...

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The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum

This helpful guide focusses on the specific difficulties that can arise for people on the autism spectrum who may also experience a mental illness.

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Teaching Mindfulness to Empower Adolescents

Matthew Brensilver, JoAnna Hardy and Oren Jay Sofer provide a powerful guide to help teachers master the essential competencies needed to successfully share mindfulness practices with teens and adolescents.

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Coping with Cancer: DBT Skills to Manage Your Emotions—and Balance Uncertainty with Hope

This compassionate book presents dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a proven psychological intervention that Marsha M. Linehan developed specifically for the impossible situations of life--and which she and Elizabeth Cohn Stuntz now apply to the unique challenges of cancer for the first time.

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DBT For Dummies

Keep calm, be skillful and take control! Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is one of the most popular and most effective treatments for mental health conditions that result from out of control emotions.

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Black Women’s Yoga History: Memoirs of Inner Peace

How have Black women elders managed stress? In Black Women’s Yoga History, Stephanie Y.

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The Complete Foundation: The Systematic Approach to Training the Mind

Clear, eloquent, simple, and profound, His Holiness’s teachings are easily accessible to beginning practitioners yet richly nourishing to those more advanced in practice.

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Emotional and Mental Health