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Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama

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By The Dalai Lama, Daniel Goleman — 2004

* Why do seemingly rational, intelligent people commit acts of cruelty and violence? * What are the root causes of destructive behavior? * How can we control the emotions that drive these impulses? * Can we learn to live at peace with ourselves and others? Imagine sitting with the Dalai Lama... See more...

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Black Women’s Yoga History: Memoirs of Inner Peace

How have Black women elders managed stress? In Black Women’s Yoga History, Stephanie Y.

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Dharma Matters: Women, Race, and Tantra

Jan Willis was among the first Westerners to encounter exiled Tibetan teachers abroad in the late sixties, instantly finding her spiritual and academic home.

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Science and Spirituality