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Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama

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By The Dalai Lama, Daniel Goleman — 2004

* Why do seemingly rational, intelligent people commit acts of cruelty and violence? * What are the root causes of destructive behavior? * How can we control the emotions that drive these impulses? * Can we learn to live at peace with ourselves and others? Imagine sitting with the Dalai Lama... See more...

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Decoding Boys: New Science Behind the Subtle Art of Raising Sons

Why do we get boys' adolescence so wrong? Here's how to steer them through this silent and confusing passage, by the co-author of the bestselling Care and Keeping of You series and Guy Stuff: The Body Book for Boys.

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The Dance of Anger: A Woman’s Guide to Changing the Patterns of Intimate Relationships

Anger is something we feel. It exists for a reason and always deserves our respect and attention. We all have a right to everything we feel—and certainly our anger is no exception. "Anger is a signal and one worth listening to," writes Dr.

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Emotional Intimacy: A Comprehensive Guide for Connecting with the Power of Your Emotions

Emotions link our feelings, thoughts, and conditioning at multiple levels, but they may remain a largely untapped source of strength, freedom, and connection.

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Science and Spirituality