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Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama

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By The Dalai Lama, Daniel Goleman — 2004

* Why do seemingly rational, intelligent people commit acts of cruelty and violence? * What are the root causes of destructive behavior? * How can we control the emotions that drive these impulses? * Can we learn to live at peace with ourselves and others? Imagine sitting with the Dalai Lama... See more...

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States of Consciousness

States of Consciousness, a classic by world authority Charles T. Tart, is a basic understanding of how the mind is a dynamic, culturally biased, semi-arbitrary construction and system. A systematic exploration of how and why altered states can come about and their possibilities.

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Buddhism: A Concise Introduction

The world's premier authority on religious traditions and his premier successor present a concise and timely guide to the history, teachings, and practice of Buddhism. Bookshelves abound with introductions to Buddhism, many written by luminaries and spiritual giants of the faith.

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Myths to Live By

What is a properly functioning mythology and what are its functions? Can we use myths to help relieve our modern anxiety, or do they help foster it? In Myths to Live by, Joseph Campbell explores the enduring power of the universal myths that influence our lives daily and examines the myth-making...

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The End of Mental Illness: How Neuroscience Is Transforming Psychiatry and Helping Prevent or Reverse Mood and Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, Addictions, PTSD, Psychosis, Personality Disorders, and More

New hope for those suffering from conditions like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, addictions, PTSD, ADHD and more.

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The Emotional Life of Your Brain: How Its Unique Patterns Affect the Way You Think, Feel, and Live—and How You Can Change Them

What is your emotional fingerprint? Why are some people so quick to recover from setbacks? Why are some so attuned to others that they seem psychic? Why are some people always up and others always down? In his thirty-year quest to answer these questions, pioneering neuroscientist Richard J.

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Science and Spirituality