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Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama

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By The Dalai Lama, Daniel Goleman — 2004

* Why do seemingly rational, intelligent people commit acts of cruelty and violence? * What are the root causes of destructive behavior? * How can we control the emotions that drive these impulses? * Can we learn to live at peace with ourselves and others? Imagine sitting with the Dalai Lama... See more...

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Frontiers of Psychedelic Consciousness: Conversations with Albert Hofmann, Stanislav Grof, Rick Strassman, Jeremy Narby, Simon Posford, and Others

David Jay Brown explores the future of mind-altering drugs, hallucinogenic plants, and the evolution of human consciousness through interviews with LSD discoverer Albert Hofmann, psychologist Stanislav Grof, DMT researcher Rick Strassman, anthropologist Jeremy Narby, MAPS founder Rick Doblin,...

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Science and Spirituality