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Helping Your Child with Language-Based Learning Disabilities: Strategies to Succeed in School and Life with Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADHD, and Processing Disorders

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By Daniel Franklin — 2025

Based in cutting-edge research in neuroscience, education, and the principles of attachment-based teaching, this important guide for parents offers tools and practices to help children transcend language-based learning difficulties, do better in school, and gain self-confidence and self-esteem. See more...

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To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled: Strength-Based Strategies for Helping Twice-Exceptional Students With LD, ADHD, ASD, and More

To Be Gifted and Learning Disabled is one of the most popular resources available on identifying and meeting the needs of twice-exceptional students.

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Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity

Solomon’s startling proposition in Far from the Tree is that being exceptional is at the core of the human condition—that difference is what unites us.

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Superparenting for ADD: An Innovative Approach to Raising Your Distracted Child

With decades of experience working with ADD children, Dr. Edward Hallowell has long argued that ADD is too often misunderstood, mistreated, and mislabeled as a “disability.” Now he teams up with top academic ADD researcher Peter S. Jensen, M.D.

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Bright Not Broken: Gifted Kids, ADHD, and Autism

The future of our society depends on our gifted children--the population in which we'll find our next Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, or Virginia Woolf.

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How to Teach Life Skills to Kids with Autism or Asperger’s

In the real world, people on the autism spectrum need the same kinds of day-to-day skills everyone else needs to be functional! It’s true.

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What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life

You’ve read all the expert advice, but despite countless efforts to help your child cope better and stay on track, you’re still struggling with everyday issues like homework, chores, getting to soccer practice on time, and simply getting along without pushback and power struggles.

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Chicken Little, the Sky Isn’t Falling: Raising Resilient Adolescents in the New Age of Anxiety

This is a comprehensive guide for parents who want to raise emotionally healthy, resilient adolescents in a time of great stress when anxiety and mental health disorders are epidemic. In these times of great stress for our kids, resilience is not a given.

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Focused: ADHD and ADD Parenting Strategies for Children with Attention Deficit Disorder

Equip Yourself with Practical Strategies to Help Your Child Manage ADHD from Preschool to Adulthood Written by an expert with over 15 years of experience in treating adult ADHD and ADHD in children, Focused offers essential information to empower parents and provide immediate assistance.

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Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties

In an educational system founded on rigid standards and categories, students who demonstrate a very specific manifestation of intelligence flourish, while those who deviate tend to fall between the cracks.

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The ADD/ADHD Checklist: A Practical Reference for Parents and Teachers

The bestselling guide, fully revised and updated, offering practical information and tips to help every child with ADHD succeed The ADD/ADHD Checklist helps parents and teachers to better understand children and teenagers with attention problems and provide the kind of support and intervention...

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Learning Styles