By Ethan Walker III — 2018
In all of human history, no other person has done so much for so many in such a short amount of time as Mata Amritanandamayi also known as Amma.
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Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah sits down to talk about her synagogue’s open-arms policy towards gay and lesbians, and relives some of the more sensational moments in her life as an activist against intolerance.
In this far-reaching address, Rev. Jones describes the ways that white supremacy, greed, and the disregard for our environment have wounded our nation. She then offers a new path forward, one grounded in the love of Christ, and God's demand for justice.
Rev. Dr. Serene Jones talks about the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Masacre in her Knippa Interfaith/Ecumenical Lecture entitled "Trauma and Grace: an Oklahoma History.
Riane Eisler, an eminent social scientist and activist, attorney, and author, explains how her mother exemplified spiritual courage, the courage to stand up to injustice out of love.
Riane Eisler joins the Thom Hartmann program, warning that we are in regression and that we can still make progress, if we handle regressions from human rights victories, like the election of Donald Trump.
Lama Rod Owens says protesting is a spiritual act that engages the practitioner’s body, speech, and mind in service to others. But many Buddhists are resistant to resistance.
In this acclaimed Lannan foundation lecture from September 2002, Roy speaks poetically to power on the US' War on Terror, globalization, the misuses of nationalism, and the growing chasm between the rich and poor.
Arundhati Roy reads from her new essay “The Pandemic is a Portal,” from her forthcoming book Azadi: Freedom. Fascism. Fiction. releasing in September from Haymarket Books.