By Ethan Walker III — 2018
In all of human history, no other person has done so much for so many in such a short amount of time as Mata Amritanandamayi also known as Amma.
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From Thought to Action: Developing a Social Justice Orientation empowers readers to successfully navigate their individual social justice journeys and channel their increased consciousness into activism.
This anthology presents more than 30 essays from eminent women trailblazers--such as author Alice Walker, psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bolen, playwright Eve Ensler, holistic doctor Rachel Naomi Remen, biologist Janine Benyus, hip-hop performer Rha Goddess, and famous tree-sitter Julia Butterfly...
An essential shortlist of leadership ideas for everyone who wants to do good in this world, from Jacqueline Novogratz, author of the New York Times bestseller The Blue Sweater and founder and CEO of Acumen.