By Ethan Walker III — 2018
In all of human history, no other person has done so much for so many in such a short amount of time as Mata Amritanandamayi also known as Amma.
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Food is love—that message is clear in the work being done by LaRayia Gaston, activist and founder of Lunch On Me, which feeds 10,000 organic, plant-based meals to the homeless each month.
A bird was lying on his back in the road with his feet in the air. A horse saw him and asked, “What’re you doing?” The sparrow said, “I’m helping hold back the darkness.” The horse sneered and said, “Yeah, right,” and the sparrow said, “One does what one can.”
Today, a rising African middle class on a continent that is home to nearly two-dozen billionaires is challenging previous assumptions about foreign aid, from who donates money, to who should get paid to deliver aid, to whose metrics ought to be used to determine whether it was a success.
Jan Egeland has been Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) since August 2013, leading humanitarian operations with some 14,000 relief workers, serving 9 million people in need across the world.
The EU is committed to promoting global respect and compliance with International Humanitarian Law, together with the Humanitarian Principles – humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.
"We need to articulate clearly what roles government, civil society, and corporations play in creating ecosystems for social innovations to grow, scale up, and connect to existing markets."
As the saying goes, good intentions are not enough; positive change comes from patience, persistence, a willingness to learn, genuine humility and an immense amount of hard work.
Malala Yousafzai discusses her efforts to humanize refugees by sharing their stories and explains why Malala Fund stresses education.
Jacqueline Novogratz is Founder and CEO of Acumen Fund, a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of poverty.