By Ethan Walker III — 2018
In all of human history, no other person has done so much for so many in such a short amount of time as Mata Amritanandamayi also known as Amma.
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People can change how they think and communicate. They can treat themselves with much more respect, and they can learn from their limitations without hating themselves.
“The greatest social movements in history were rooted in the ethic of love,” says Valarie Kaur.
What exactly is a moral person?
“Confronting Gender: Seeing, Hearing, and Valuing the Feminine” | 2018 Festival of Faiths Pat McCabe, whose indeginous name is Weyakpa Najin Win (Woman Stands Shining), is a Dine’ (Navajo) mother, grandmother, activist, artist, writer, ceremonial leader, and international speaker.
How do mindfulness and compassion practices support us in the work of educating for not merely radical but revolutionary social change? In this presentation, Professor Magee identifies research and practices that support the communion of inner work, interpersonal work, and systemic change.
Rev. angel Kyodo williams notes, “Love and Justice are not two. Without inner change, there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.”